Well we have been busy busy….time to update but no pictures at the moment (will have some on Monday hopefully) means that the real update will have to wait until next week.
The reasons for the lack of updates though is something I can explain…
July 1 – We had just moved out of our apartment the day before and into the house. Boxes are everywhere.
Also, our cat went missing….bring on the hysteria and waterworks
July 2 – Second commute to work from the house….turns out it doesn’t take me any longer than when I lived in the city.
July 3 – I got sent home from work (since my publisher understands cats are like children). I cried and searched all day and got no work done.
July 4 – I am slowly starting to realize we might never see our Frizbie again….which brings more crying. I got a few little things done as poor Brandol listens to me sob. Later than night....we found her... in her new favorite place...under the house. She decided it was time to come up after almost 4 days of no food. Yet, she seems to think that under the house is the best place ever and escaped down the hole (which we never noticed until she escaped again) behind our washer. I went after her the second time under in the crawl space and she really didn't want to leave. Little brat. We are so happy to have her back though.

The rest of July so far has been slowly unpacking and moving things around as we live there. It is a mess, but it is still better than our apartment.
Yesterday, July 15th, was my 23rd birthday. I got some great gifts from my Mom and Dad (including 2 beautiful bowls, dish towels, nifty place mats from Kantigoods.com, and more!) and beautiful flowers and a TJMaxx giftcard (my favorite!) from the husband.
So we have not been updating (the blog) because we have been busy….but I promise to update with pictures next week! Just wait until you see the kitchen and 2nd bathroom!
We hope to pick up a bit this weekend since we have our appraisal on Monday….cross your fingers!
In other news, we have 2 HUGE blueberry bushes in our yard and are enjoying the “fruits of our labor.”
Be jealous.